A step by step guide to creating your first project in VRCreate

If you haven't already installed VRCreate on your computer and EduPro headset, here is an Installation Guide.

Open VRCreate on Your Computer


1. Click the + Create button, add a name, and confirm by clicking the green check.

2. Choose Create a new Project, then click Start.

3. Watch the instructional videos.

4. Double-tap the spacebar to enter Editor Mode.

5. Click the iMenu button at the bottom right corner to open the editor menu.

Import 360° Images and Videos


1. In the iMenu, click the Locations tab at the top, and select the Add 360°/Normal button at the bottom.

2. Choose the 360° images and/or videos you would like to import.

3. Once imported, you will see them listed in the iMenu. They will automatically be linked together in the order in which they were imported.

4. Use the buttons to the right of each location to reorder, rename, and so on.


Arrange HotSpots


1. In the iMenu, select the HotSpots tab at the top. HotSpots allow you to jump from one location to another.

2. From each location, you can edit the HotSpots in the iMenu. If a location’s HotSpot icon is white, it will be visible in the current scene.

3. Remember to double-tap the spacebar to move into and out of editor mode.


Add Interactive Content


1. In the iMenu, use the Media tab at the top to add interactive content. Then choose Slideshow, Sound, Point of Interest, Quiz, or 3D model from the bottom.

2. Now is the time to play around with the different buttons and get to know VRCreate!


Experience on the EduPro


1. Connect your EduPro to your PC with a USB cable.

2. Click Distribution at the top, then USB Transfer at the bottom.

3. When the transfer is complete, open VRCreate on your EduPro and experience your project in VR. It’s that simple!



Note: If you would like to see some example projects before you start creating your own experiences, you can enter the portal key sch-ool. You should see several projects which you can download directly to your headset. Once you are ready to begin working on your own projects, just click the Enter Portal Key button again and enter the portal key from your email.